
How To Remove Hazelnut Skins

In contempo weeks, I have go reobsessed with Nutella which prompted me purchase a bag of hazelnuts (aka filberts) which had their skins intact. One of the recipes that I was playing around with called for peeled hazelnuts, but I figured they would be a cinch to remove – however, I rapidly realized that was non the case. Hazelnut skins are stubborn – mighty stubborn.

Since picking papery peels off of ane loving cup of hazelnuts sounded less than crawly, I did a piffling research and decided to use the roast and rub method. Essentially you roast the hazelnuts at 350 degrees for virtually 15 minutes or until the basics have darkened a bit and you tin can odor the nutty goodness wafting through your kitchen. Side by side, you identify the hot basics into a slightly dampened kitchen towel and rub the skins off using the towel. Patently the combination of moisture and heat helps to loosen the skins. Well, this worked – sort of.

After rubbing and rubbing and rubbing, many of the hazelnuts were still flecked with pieces of brown skin which pretty much annoyed the heck out of me. I knew there had to be a better way. Again, I turned to Google and happened to stumble upon a method from Alice Medrich.

Basically you boil the hazelnuts in baking soda and water for a few minutes then immerse them in cold water before you lot peel the skins away. This technique enabled my perfectionist self to easily remove every single piece of hazelnut pare with ease! At present don't get me wrong, this is still a flake of process, so don't look the skins to magically disappear, simply I volition tell you it works like a charm and is actually kind of fun!

Alice Medrich demonstrated this method to Julia Child while making Hazelnut Biscotti – you catch the entire process and Julia'southward reaction to this method by watching the YouTube video below.

How To Peel Hazelnuts


  • 2 cups boiling h2o
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda
  • 1 cup hazelnuts


  1. In a medium bucket with high sides, bring 2 cups of water to a eddy. Add 3 tablespoons of blistering soda to the water – the h2o will foam up.
  2. Add the nuts to the boiling water and boil for about 3 minutes. The water will turn blackness – don't exist alarmed. While the hazelnuts are boiling, prepare a medium basin of water ice cold water. Later on iii minutes, use a slotted spoon to remove one test nut, placing the nut into the prepared bowl of water ice water. Use your fingers to remove the pare, if the skin doesn't come off easily, eddy the nuts ane-2 minutes longer and attempt another test nut.
  3. When a test peel rubs correct off, add the rest of the nuts to the ice water and peel them with ease.
  4. Place peeled nuts into a kitchen towel or newspaper towels and dry out them thoroughly.
  5. If desired, toast the peeled and dried hazelnuts at 350 degrees F for about 15 minutes – trust me it's so worth it!
  • Method from Alice Medrich

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How To Remove Hazelnut Skins,


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