
How To Remove Overspray From Wood

The (Mostly Gratis) Fashion to Get Dried Paint off Wood


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Credit: Kathleen Finlay/Getty Images

Nosotros dear a fresh paint chore for transforming a room (or fifty-fifty a smaller projection, like DIY painted abstruse art). But no matter how conscientious you are with your driblet cloths and plastic, paint splatter happens. Of course, it'south all-time to wipe upwardly any messes while they're however wet, only sometimes that doesn't happen—by the fourth dimension you find a drip information technology's already dry. And sometimes the drip'due south not fifty-fifty your error, similar if the house yous've moved into comes with dried evidence of imperfect pigment jobs past.

Don't worry—you lot're not stuck with paint-flecked wood flooring, furniture, or trim forever. Here'southward how to get those stale paint drips off, no affair whose goofs they are.

Credit: pidjoe/Getty Images

Start by gently scraping up the stale paint

"Use a plastic-edged putty knife or even the edge of a credit card to try to scrape upwards the baste," says Pam Estabrooke, possessor of Brooke Home Painting in Braselton, GA. Katharine McMillan, author of "Home Decorating for Dummies", prefers the tedious blade of a 5-in-1 tool, but says you can choose your own go-to. "Even a butter knife would work—you lot just desire a dull border that won't damage the surface of the wood beneath the baste," McMillan says. Whichever tool you lot try, piece of work slowly and carefully.

Adjacent, use a damp rag over the dried paint

If the scraping doesn't remove the drip, try rubbing the surface of the paint with a clammy—not wet!—rag. "The moisture might soften the paint enough so that you can so scrape it off," says Estabrooke. If plain water on the rag doesn't do the trick, progress to a gentle cleanser. Estabrooke and McMillan suggest options like Simple Green, Mrs. Meyers, or Murphy Oil Soap. "Basically, any non-solvent-based cleanser should help," says Estabrooke. Only notation: The water or soap-and-water mix volition not practice anything to soften up oil-based pigment splatters. If you painted with oil, see stride iii, below.

Tip: To figure out whether an quondam drip is from latex or oil paint, rub a cotton ball moistened with denatured alcohol over the drip. If the color comes off on the cotton ball, it's latex.

Credit: Pakorn Kumruen/EyeEm/Getty Imags

Hitting the dried paint with a little heat

A hairdryer on high (or a oestrus gun, if you take i) tin soften hardened paint enough that you can scrape it off. "But don't use a estrus gun if yous take a really large baste or spill," says Estabrooke. "You lot'll end upwardly with a huge mess."

Try a solvent for whatsoever remaining dried paint

If scraping, ragging, and heating don't do diddly, yous'll demand to resort to a solvent to break down the paint. For latex drips, try denatured alcohol or a product like Goof-Off, both available in paint and hardware stores. "Soak a rag—not a towel, just a microfiber rag or like—with the solvent and rub carefully so you don't harm the wood terminate by mistake," says MacMillan. (If you exercise cause an imperfection in the wood stain, try filling it in with tinted wood wax or with a marker made for hiding scratches in piece of furniture, she suggests.) For oil-based drips, ask your local pigment store for the best solvent and removal method, or endeavor stride five, below.

Tip: If in that location's stale paint in-between floorboards or other small cracks, use soap-and-h2o or solvent on a pointy-concluded cotton fiber swab—"the kind they sell for makeup," says MacMillan—or an old toothbrush.

End with super-fine dust sandpaper

If you have a wide area of tiny spatter or your rubbing and scraping don't go the job completely done, take a careful go with super-fine grit sandpaper (360- to 600-grit) or a sanding block, says Estabrooke. "But don't sand hard: Yous don't want to wear through to the wood. You're but trying to break up the dried paint enough so that scraping and clammy-ragging will terminate the job." Sandpaper might be the all-time approach if the baste is stubborn oil-paint.



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